Table re-visited…

final project documentation

Final Project:Tastebot an interactive tasting machine

Here is my final presentation:  tastebotpres

And some pictures:

and video


Final Project Post

Video and project description for final project at:

presentation PDF:



Interaction at a Distance


Here is a link to the final PDF for the Interaction Over a Distance project

Social Project Final

Here is a link to the final PDF for the Social project:


Moogbot 1.0 – Final Prototype, and Final Post (and a link to my paper and blog!)

This project has been quite the adventure for me, and it took several series of tough love and hard work, but I’m pretty satisfied with the final outcome of it, even if it could have been better in certain ways. Thanks to everyone who gave me some awesome feedback for my project, you guys don’t realize it, but this could never have happened without you.

There’s a lot of stuff to process, and I did a lot of documentation for my project, so if you want to see it all, head on over to my blog. I’ve been documenting and photographing my work flow/ process this entire time and have separated everything in several links, from beginning to end.

Link 1 – Posterboard Prototype

Link 2 – Survey Results and Findings!

Link 3 – Final Prototype and Final User Testing….

Link 4 – Final Presentation and User Testing Video! 

The final link is a link to my video and presentation slideshow on my blog, but if you don’t want to have to click through to see the video again, just watch it below.

Also, just to be sure, here is a link to my CHI paper. Thanks again for a wonderful semester, Jonah!

Final Project – Change the System (last post!)

For the final project, “Change the System” was successful as a research, data presentation, user feedback and public intervention project, but this is only the beginning. In order to fully begin building out something unique, I think I will have to put this in a much larger context than a local-driven website seeking to capture a conversation about governmental corruption. I will need to position what I have thus far discovered in a national context.

Below is the data set poster used in the public intervention, the intervention video and the presentation:

SOPA - CISPA Street Graphic

Major Studio – Final Presentation PDF_Change the System

The website for “Change the System”:

In the next iteration I think it would be interesting to introduce a technologically driven aspect of the project such as a game or an interaction, or a social device to the public realm along with a refined SOPA/CISPA poster.

Y.A.M.A.- Final Work

MoogBot 1.0 – Second User Testing and Final Prototype…

Today, I user tested my project on my subject, Emilio. He’s a cousin of mine and he’s 5 and his favorite games are Crash Bandicoot and Jam Pack. He enjoys playing Wii Sports and an odd assortment of other Wii Games.

I’ve written a blog post about my 2nd User Prototyping. This will be followed up by photos of my work (i.e., my robot and the textures) that I will be posting later on tonight. To view updates, head to my blog. There, you can view more photos, see some unused layouts and also listen to the soundtrack I created that goes along with my audio game, and more.