Interaction over distance PT 1 / SEEING PRESENCE ( Feeling Presence is Pt 2 );

Ask anyone, like your parents or maybe your grandparents if your parents happen to be of the “progressive type”  and they will tell you that communication / interaction over distance has gotten wayyyyy much easier.

My parents use Skype to talk to their friends in distant lands….My parents don’t really speak English…but they can speak Skype.

You can now-a-day reach anyone/anywhere/anytime within seconds.  You actually don’t have an option of being “not in”… like back in the day of the, what you call it, oh yea, the answering machine and the home telephone system.

So, that’s that. Distant communication via machines of the technology breed will only get easier and faster. Once we get those invisible portable screens, we will truly enter the virtual reality.

Here’s how I see this going down. You will use your iPhone or iWhatever to access someone. You will then get a real life live projection of that person in whatever space you happen to be in. It is like Skype( on steroids ) minus the screen interface( the wall of phone, computer, etc ) .

Something like this:


Ok,  so here right above,  we have my personal update on the future of virtual communication…but i am not really all that satisfied with this turn of events of what the future holds.

A solidifying, missing component , in this future of interaction (this might be more or less personal ) is TOUCH and FEEL.

That lovely text message i might get from a loved one, feels exactly the same on my sleek, plastic phone as the message from my bank about my account being overdrawn.

Soooo, I’m thinking about creating some objects ( since objects now can easily communicate over distance this shouldn’t be a problem ) that have personalized texture, feel, smell, color, etc.

I cannot remember last time I received something truly personal from someone…something that meant a lot…like in the movies ( sorry, this is very kitschy ) when they go off to war or some other surreal place and it goes something like this: ” I want you to have this…to remember me by… i will always be there with you…etc”

I would like to create objects that communicate with each other’s owners, and at the same time can just simply represent the presence of the owner. After all, there are times, many times,  that I think of someone or miss them but don’t necessarily want to call/text/email….i just want to feel their presence.


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